先生への信頼・黒鷲の学級 Trust in the Professor (Black Eagles)
(玄関ホール 夜)
Entrance Hall | Evening
ベルナデッタ: 終わった……ようやく終わった……知らない人いっぱいのご飯……!
Bernadetta: It's finally over... There were way too many strangers at that feast.
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、元気、出します。良い経験、成長できます。
Petra: Put your chin high, Bernie. It was a chance for you to have growth.
ベルナデッタ: う、うん……でもね! でもね!みんな気さくすぎて無理だよおお!
Bernadetta: But... but everyone was acting so friendly! It was overwhelming...
カスパル: おい、リンハルト!まだ話は終わってねえだろ? 聞けって!
Caspar: Linhardt, I wasn't done talking to you!
If those Alliance guys came at it from here and those Kingdom guys came from there-
リンハルト: はいはい、それで上手くさばいてまとめて倒したんだよね。聞いたよ。そろそろ眠い。
Linhardt: I know, I know. We'd have been able to take them all out at once. I heard you. I'm going to bed now.
ドロテア: ねえ、何だかすでに良い感じの子たち、いなかった? ずるくないかしら?
Dorothea: Did anyone get the feeling that there were already couples forming? That's not really fair, is it?
I wanted to sneak off with someone too...
フェルディナント: ふむ……私も食後の紅茶でも、と考えていたのだが、どうだい?
Ferdinand: I was hoping for some tea after our meal anyway. Would you care to join me?
ドロテア: いいえ、間に合ってるわ、貴族様。ちょっと声をかけたい人がいますから。
Dorothea: Thanks but no thanks, Mr. Noble. I already have my heart set on someone else.
ドロテア: ……そうね、フェルくんで妥協しましょうか。
Dorothea: I suppose I can settle for you just this once, Ferdie.
エーデルガルト: ……今まで私は、一人で彼らを指揮し、導いていかなければと思っていたわ。
Edelgard: Until today, I thought it would fall to me to command and guide our ranks all by myself.
But with you leading us, I've gotten to experience what it's like to fight alongside everyone...
And I've realized... how happy it makes me, fighting under your command.
The emperor doesn't take orders from anyone. It's their duty to stand alone and lead the entire Empire.
But maybe it's better to have someone to rely on... so that you can support and guide each other through the darkness.
Choice 1: それが自分だと? Am I that someone? (Edelgard ⤴)
Choice 2: 皇帝に指示するのは畏れ多い I am unfit to guide an emperor. (Edelgard ⤵)
エーデルガルト: ……師、私は皇位継承者である前に貴方の生徒なのよ。
Edelgard: I may be heir to the Imperial throne, but first and foremost, I'm your grateful student.
That will never change, even when I fulfill my destiny and become the emperor.
I told you long ago that I wished to enlist you in the service of the Empire.
Well, I take it back. Now I wish only for your continued guidance during my eventual reign.
リンハルト: ほら、先生、そんな隅にいないでください。一番の殊勲者なんですから。
Linhardt: Don't just hide away in the corner, Professor. You're the reason we're celebrating.
ベルナデッタ: ベルが今日まで毎日寮から出て来られたのは先生のおかげですううううううう!
Bernadetta: It's because of you that I've had the courage to leave my room for a bit each day. I'm...I'm so grateful, Professor!
フェルディナント: 私たちを指導してくれる先生に、皆で礼を言わないかということになってね。
Ferdinand: We were all just discussing how well you led us. Remarkable!
ペトラ: 先生の教え、我が血肉となりました。……台詞、練習した、成果です。
Petra: Your guidance is without parallel, Professor. I have had practicing of that phrase.
カスパル: オレたちのこと、先生はバッチリ鍛えてくれるもんな!
Caspar: Your training's been top notch. Really!
ドロテア: ふふ、私たちを担任として導いてくれて、ありがとう、先生。
Dorothea: Whatever would we do without you?
フレン: わたくしも、このような体験ができて……改めてお礼を申し上げますわ、先生。
Flayn: I have had the opportunity to experience much. Please allow me to offer you my gratitude once more, Professor.
エーデルガルト: ……私も、皆と同じ気持ちよ。
Edelgard: I feel the same... You are something special, my teacher.